Creatives deserve to get paid fair market value. That's why we're building Fee Finder, a tool to help creatives accurately price their work.
We're collecting crowd-sourced data to help digital creatives get paid fairly.
No worries, your data is safe with us.
Be part of our mission by completing the survey.
No worries, your data is safe with us.
Be part of our mission by completing the survey.

Why focus on pricing first?
Creatives often undervalue their work, resulting in a race to the bottom in pricing that undermines the entire industry. By starting here, we aim to foster a more sustainable and efficient creative ecosystem where both artists and clients can benefit.

Inefficiencies Cost
According to our preliminary data, creatives spend 60% of their time on administrative task like payroll, contracts, and invoicing.
Undervaluing of Services
On average, creatives charge less per hour ($71), than those providing technical services ($90) or professional services ($103).

Frugal Clients
One-third (33%) of independent professionals who raised their prices experienced some or a lot of pushback from clients this year.